Frequently Asked Questions
1. What can WES Technology do for the environment?
WES Technology will help create a cleaner, healthier and pollution free environment.
2. What is “In Vessel” and “In House” means?
It means all the process of transferring or moving raw materials will pass through conveyor systems and piping, and not open air or manual. Likewise, the final drying, quality control and packaging are done “In House”, not open air. Programmable Logic Computer ({PLC) is installed to make it automated.
3. What do you mean by Rapid Sterilization and Vacuum Drying?
The organic waste sterilizer has two sections; the first section is self steaming processes wherein water will be introduce through misters and heat from the secondary thermal oxidizer will create steam that will sanitize the organic waste rapidly thereby preserving the nutrient value of the organic waste, after which, the sanitized organic waste will be conveyed to the drying section. The fumes from the first and second sections, through negative pressure, will be sucked out to the primary thermal oxidizer, heated at 1400o to destroy all the pathogen and bacteria. Hot air will be processed and cool down to ambient temperature before the air exits the atmosphere, as clean air. This process takes 2 to 3 hours.
4. Do you use chemical to remove bad odor?
No, only organic materials; such as herbal odor eliminator and high salt resistance Lacto microorganism is used.
5. How long will it take to build one module?
Depending on the capacity of the plant, it will take 12 to 18 months to build one module.
6. What does a module contain?
For Municipal waste recycling facility it include all the necessary machines and equipment for the three phases; Phase I - Sorting and separation of municipal waste, phase II – extraction of methane gas, production of natural gas, generation of electric power, organic waste sterilizer and drying, phase III - “In house” curing, quality control, packaging and all the necessary anti-pollution devices. For organic waste recycling only phases II & III will be used.
7. What kind of organic waste that plant can process?
All kind of organic waste, such as, food & market waste, agricultural and yard waste, raw or dewatered sewer, excess animal and fish organ, blood, and anything that decomposes, rot, create odor and pollution. The technology can also be adapted to process dead animal.
8. How Much does one module cost on a turn key basis?
The price per module will depend on the location, type of system and capacity of the proposed processing plant, For price quotation, please contact us.
9. What is the expected return on investment?
Through the sales of recyclables (for municipal), organic products and “tipping” or processing fee, depending on the capacity of the plant, the projected return on investment is from 5 to 10 years.
10. How sure are you that this technology will work?
This technology will certainly work considering that all the technologies used are proven, existing and being used efficiently and effectively for several decades now, what we did is to innovate, improve and combined these technologies to convert it into one system technology to process and convert municipal and organic waste into usable organic products.
11. Is there any adverse effects to animal or livestock?
There has been no known adverse effect to animal or livestock because only organic material which have been proven safe to livestock are used. They have been used for the purpose of producing organic products for over 50 years.
12. Is there any other company that has the same technology?
As far as we are concerned, there is no other company that has the same Technology, considering that we were granted patent by US Patent Office, Certificate No. 6,569,331 issued on May 27, 2003.
WES Technology will help create a cleaner, healthier and pollution free environment.
2. What is “In Vessel” and “In House” means?
It means all the process of transferring or moving raw materials will pass through conveyor systems and piping, and not open air or manual. Likewise, the final drying, quality control and packaging are done “In House”, not open air. Programmable Logic Computer ({PLC) is installed to make it automated.
3. What do you mean by Rapid Sterilization and Vacuum Drying?
The organic waste sterilizer has two sections; the first section is self steaming processes wherein water will be introduce through misters and heat from the secondary thermal oxidizer will create steam that will sanitize the organic waste rapidly thereby preserving the nutrient value of the organic waste, after which, the sanitized organic waste will be conveyed to the drying section. The fumes from the first and second sections, through negative pressure, will be sucked out to the primary thermal oxidizer, heated at 1400o to destroy all the pathogen and bacteria. Hot air will be processed and cool down to ambient temperature before the air exits the atmosphere, as clean air. This process takes 2 to 3 hours.
4. Do you use chemical to remove bad odor?
No, only organic materials; such as herbal odor eliminator and high salt resistance Lacto microorganism is used.
5. How long will it take to build one module?
Depending on the capacity of the plant, it will take 12 to 18 months to build one module.
6. What does a module contain?
For Municipal waste recycling facility it include all the necessary machines and equipment for the three phases; Phase I - Sorting and separation of municipal waste, phase II – extraction of methane gas, production of natural gas, generation of electric power, organic waste sterilizer and drying, phase III - “In house” curing, quality control, packaging and all the necessary anti-pollution devices. For organic waste recycling only phases II & III will be used.
7. What kind of organic waste that plant can process?
All kind of organic waste, such as, food & market waste, agricultural and yard waste, raw or dewatered sewer, excess animal and fish organ, blood, and anything that decomposes, rot, create odor and pollution. The technology can also be adapted to process dead animal.
8. How Much does one module cost on a turn key basis?
The price per module will depend on the location, type of system and capacity of the proposed processing plant, For price quotation, please contact us.
9. What is the expected return on investment?
Through the sales of recyclables (for municipal), organic products and “tipping” or processing fee, depending on the capacity of the plant, the projected return on investment is from 5 to 10 years.
10. How sure are you that this technology will work?
This technology will certainly work considering that all the technologies used are proven, existing and being used efficiently and effectively for several decades now, what we did is to innovate, improve and combined these technologies to convert it into one system technology to process and convert municipal and organic waste into usable organic products.
11. Is there any adverse effects to animal or livestock?
There has been no known adverse effect to animal or livestock because only organic material which have been proven safe to livestock are used. They have been used for the purpose of producing organic products for over 50 years.
12. Is there any other company that has the same technology?
As far as we are concerned, there is no other company that has the same Technology, considering that we were granted patent by US Patent Office, Certificate No. 6,569,331 issued on May 27, 2003.